Executive Summary
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The use of GMOs may also involve potential risks for human health and development. Many but not all genes used in GMOs have not been in the food supply before. Therefore while other new types of food crops are usually not subject to safety assessment before marketing, such assessments of GM foods were introduced even before the first crops were developed. To provide international consistency in the assessment of GM foods, Codex Principles now cover food safety, while the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety covers environmental safety. In accordance with this international guidance, many countries have established specific premarket regulatory systems requiring the rigorous case-by-case risk assessment of GM foods prior to their release. Risk assessment methodology undergoes continuous improvements, a fact that is recognized by the Codex Principles referred toabove, which emphasize the need for risk assessments to consider both the intended and unintended effects. GM foods currently available on the international market have passed risk assessments and are not likely to, nor have been shown to, present risks for human health.

Although risk assessment systems have thus been in use for some time, the perception of GM food among consumers has not always recognized these assessments. One explanation could be that many national food safety systems have had problems performing good risk communication in this area. In many countries, social and ethical considerations may cause resistance to modifications which interfere with genes. These conflicts often reflect deeper issues related tothe interaction of human society with nature, issues that should be taken seriously in any communication effort. However, while in many regions food is clearly considered part of historical identity and societal life, scepticism towards GM food is not necessarily linked to traditionalism nor to absence of knowledge about this new technology. Investigations of public perception indicate that the sceptical consumer will acknowledge arguments both for and against GM food and in general does not demand "zero risk". Likewise it has been seen that critical attitudes towards GM food are not necessarily linked to anegative attitude towards the use of biotechnology as such, as demonstrated by a generally positive attitude towards the use of biotechnology in modern medicine. The issue of benefit to society therefore seems to constitute an important aspect related to acceptance of new technology.




国際的な一貫性を遺伝子組み換え食物の査定に提供するために、”Codex Principles”は現在、食物安全を保護し、その一方で、”カルタヘナ(バイオセーフティー)議定書”が環境への保護をしています。


リスクアセスメントの方法論は継続的な改良を受けるものである。上記のように言及された、Codex Principlesによって認識される事実は、意図されたものと意図されないもの両方の効果を考慮に入れたリスクアセスメントの必要性を強調します。








