【Cancer warning over stem cells】

日付 : 12/2/2006

STEM cells could prove a double-edged sword in the treatment of diseases like leukaemia. Donna Forrest of the British Columbia Cancer Agency in Canada and her colleagues found that patients who had received bone-marrow transplants containing haemopoietic stem cells faced a 2.3 per cent risk of developing a secondary cancer, such as skin, lung, or breast cancer, over the course of 10 years - nearly twice the risk of the general population


The team reviewed the medical records of more than 900 adult transplant recipients of this type, the vast majority of whom suffered from leukaemia.


Given that bone-marrow transplants are known to increase leukaemia patients' chance of survival, it is possible that the drugs given following the procedure - rather than the transplanted stem cells themselves - were responsible for putting patients at greater risk of developing secondary tumours.


However, Forrest warns, more studies are necessary to find out whether such treatments might influence cancer risk, especially as stem-cell transplants may eventually be developed to treat patients with conditions such as spinal-cord injury and heart failure.


From issue 2580 of New Scientist magazine, 02 December 2006, page 16