UK scientists ask permission to create human-cow hybrid

日付 : 07 November 2006

Scientists in the UK applied on Monday for permission to create part-cow, part-human embryos for research aimed at treating diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.


The procedure would involve inserting human DNA into cows’ eggs that have had their own genetic material removed. The embryos created from this process would then be almost entirely “human”, with the only cow DNA being outside the cells’ nuclei.


If they manage to pull off the feat, the human-bovine embryos would not be allowed to develop for more than a few days, the researchers say.


The hybrid embryos would be used to produce embryonic stem cells, which have huge potential for treating disease. At present, embryonic stem cells have to be obtained from unwanted early stage human embryos left over from in-vitro fertilisation treatments. Using cow eggs would potentially give researchers a far greater supply of stem cell material. ハイブリッド胚は胚性幹細胞を生産するために使用される。それは、疾病を治療する大きな可能性を持っている。現在、体外治療から残された、不運な初期段階の人間の胎から胚性幹細胞を得なければなりません。雌牛卵の使用は、潜在的に研究者に幹細胞資料のはるかに大きな供給(情報)を与えるだろう。
Blurred lines


But the proposal has been questioned by some ethics campaigners, who claim it could blur the line between animals and humans.


The application for a three-year licence was submitted to the UK 's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority by the North East England Stem Cell Institute ? a biotech research body run by the universities of Durham and Newcastle .

3年間のライセンスのための申請は、北の東英国幹細胞研究所によって、英国の人間の体外治療および発生学の権威 (ダーラムとニューキャッスルの大学によって運営されるバイテク研究団体)に提出されました。

Lyle Armstrong at Newcastle University , who is leading the team, says the work is necessary "to take this area of stem cell research to the next stage”.


But Calum MacKellar of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics told the BBC: "In this kind of procedure, you are mixing at a very intimate level animal eggs and human chromosomes and you may begin to undermine the whole distinction between animals and humans."

しかし、人間の生命倫理学に関するScottish会議のCalum MacKellarはBBCに伝えた:「この種の手続きは、人間の染色体と動物の卵を親密なレベルで混合し、動物と人間の全体の相違をむしばみ始めるかもしれません。」

A decision on whether to grant permission for the work is expected within the next few months この研究のための許可を与えるべきかどうかに関する決定は、数か月の内だろう。